B.Grimm Power Public Company Limited and subsidiaries (the “Company”) are intent on conducting its business with honesty, integrity, transparency and fairness, in compliance with the principles of good Corporate Governance. The Anti-Corruption Policy is therefore established in order for all employees of the Company and its subsidiaries to adhere for practicing and using as a guideline for their work performance.


“Corruption” means the bribery regardless of whether in any forms as follows:

  1. Grant and offer/promise/promise to give
  2. Acceptance and demand of:

Monies, properties or any other benefits which are not appropriate for the government officials or private sectors or individual who are involved regardless of whether directly or indirectly, in order for such persons act or omit a duty to obtain or retain business or other benefits that are impropriate in a business context. Exceptions shall be applicable for the case that the laws, regulations, announcements, rules, local traditional practices or commercial customs is permitted.

“Company’s Employees” refers to directors, executives and employees at all levels of B.Grimm Power Public Company Limited and subsidiaries.


B.Grimm Power Public Company Limited and subsidiaries refuse to accept all forms of corruptions, both directly and indirectly, and the Company stresses that all employees shall follow seriously comply with the Anti-Corruption Policy as follows:

  1. Company’s Employees shall not be involved in corruption in any of its form, whether directly and indirectly
  2. Company’s Employees shall proceed with due care in regard to receiving and giving gifts, properties or any other benefits which must be in accordance with the determined Gift-giving and Hospitality Policy
  3. Provide the internal control systems and risk assessment with efficiency and appropriate in order to prevent the corruption. Review and assess business’s operational risks that may lead to the corruption risks of at least one (1) time per year
  4. Provide mechanisms for transparent and accurate financial reporting in accordance with the accounting standards that have been accepted internationally
  5. Establish the recruitment process of the human resources which reflects the Company’s commitment to against corruptions
  6. Provide the communication channels with the protective measurement for the whistle-blower for employees to be able to submit the clues, suggestions and complaints regarding the corruptions
  7. Perform the tasks to be in accordance with the laws related to countering corruption in all countries where the Company and its subsidiaries operate
  8. Any act of the violation or fails to comply with this policy whether directly or indirectly, shall be subject to the disciplinary consideration according to the regulations stipulated by the Company or defined legal punishment

Company’s Employees must understand and comply with the Anti-Corruption Policy in all steps during the work performance. Should any action contrary to the applicable policies, the supervisor or the responsible department/division/individual must be notified and shall prepare the written record of such incident.

The Board of Director's Meeting of the Company No. 1/2018 held on 22 January 2018 has unanimously approved Anti-Corruption Policy.

Anti-corruption Policy

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